Revolutionize Your Job Interview Preparation with AI

Streamline your interview process with Spray. Our AI-powered chatbot platform generates tailored interview questions in real-time, making it easy to conduct efficient and compelling interviews to prepare to ace your next job opportunity.



Increase Your Chance
of getting hired by 33%

Our AI-driven interview simulations provide real-time feedback and suggestions, enabling you to refine your responses and boost your confidence.

Combining cutting-edge technology and human expertise is the recipe for interview success.

Why Spray is so easy to Use?

Spray is revolutionizing the way individuals prepare for interviews, streamlining the process like never before. What makes it exceptionally user-friendly? Let me highlight the key factors:

Natural Conversational Interface

Spray leverages the power of chatbot technology to provide a natural and intuitive interface. It feels like having a real conversation, which makes the experience comfortable and familiar.

  • Personalized Guidance
  • Instant Feedback
  • Audio Generated Questions

Continuous Learning

The AI behind Spray is constantly evolving, we have created a model with the latest interview trends and techniques. It's like having a personal interview coach that grows with you.

  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere
  • A model oriented to the latest trends
  • Deep analysis of your answers

What Our Users Say

What our users say about us is a testament to the transformative power of our AI-driven Interview Preparation tool. We've received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from job seekers and professionals across diverse fields who have benefited from our innovative solution.

Before I discovered Spray, I was stuck in this never-ending cycle of job rejections. I'd apply, get an interview, and then stumble through questions I wasn't prepared for. It was crushing my confidence. I felt like I was wasting my degree and potential.

But then, I stumbled upon Spray. This AI-powered chatbot was a game-changer! It generated tailored interview questions in real-time, helping me practice and prepare like never before. I felt so much more confident and well-prepared for my interviews.

Sarah Johnson
Recent College Graduate

As an HR manager, I often had to conduct interviews, and finding the right questions to ask candidates was always a challenge. It felt like a never-ending task, and I wanted to ask the right questions.

Then, I discovered Spray, and my job became so much easier. This incredible AI-powered chatbot platform generated tailored interview questions in real time. It streamlined my interview process, making it efficient and compelling. I could focus on evaluating candidates rather than spending hours preparing questions.

David Martinez
HR Manager

Job hunting can be incredibly frustrating, and I was feeling defeated. I struggled with interviews and often froze when asked unexpected questions. It seemed like I would never land a job I loved.

Then, a friend recommended Spray, and it transformed my job search. This AI-powered chatbot generated tailored interview questions, helping me practice and build my confidence. It made me feel more prepared and ready to tackle any interview.

Emily Harrison
Job Seeker

In my line of work as a career coach, I've seen many clients struggle with interviews. They would often feel anxious and unprepared, which hindered their chances of landing great opportunities.

That's when I recommended Spray to my clients, and the results were astounding. This AI-powered chatbot platform generated tailored interview questions and boosted my clients' confidence. They reported feeling much more prepared and confident during interviews.

Michael Bennett
Career Coach

As a college student preparing for internship interviews, I was anxious. I didn't know where to start with interview questions and felt like I was over my head.

Then, I stumbled upon Spray, and it was a total lifesaver! This AI-powered chatbot generated tailored interview questions relevant to the positions I was applying for. It gave me the confidence to practice and prepare effectively.

Rachel Anderson<
College Student

Running a small business means wearing many hats, one of which is conducting interviews to find the right talent. Before I discovered Spray, I used to spend hours crafting interview questions, which was a drain on my time and energy.

Spray changed the game for me. This AI-powered chatbot platform generated tailored interview questions in real-time, allowing me to focus on evaluating candidates and growing my business. It streamlined the interview process and made it efficient and compelling.

Mark Thompson
Small Business Owner

Our Prices

Start working with Spray can provide you with everything you need to prepare your next interview.

Career Starter
2,99 5.99 / per Intv
  • 15 Interview Questions
  • Instant Feedback
  • Personalized Guidance
  • Newsletter with Tips
0 / mo
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ on Spray! We hope these FAQs help you make the most of Spray and boost your confidence when facing potential employers. Good luck with your interviews!

Have Questions ? Get in touch!

Streamline your interview process with Spray. No question is too big or too small, and we're committed to helping you navigate the complexities of the interview preparation. Don't hesitate – get in touch with us today and experience the difference of having a trusted partner by your side.